Ironman Canada devient Challenge Canada ;)

Bonne humeur de rigueur, pour les sujets ne concernant pas le monde sportif merci de poster dans " plus si affinité".
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Thierry *OnlineTri*
Messages : 8226
Inscription : 09 déc. 2002 21:36
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Ironman Canada devient Challenge Canada ;)

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l'annonce officielle a été faite il y a quelques minutes.

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Thierry *OnlineTri*
Messages : 8226
Inscription : 09 déc. 2002 21:36
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Re: Ironman Canada devient Challenge Canada ;)

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voici le communiqué de presse officiel:
Challenge Penticton announced – first Challenge Family race in North America

Challenge Family today announced the expansion of its global series of long distance triathlons into North America with the launch of Challenge Penticton in Canada.

Challenge Penticton joins the Challenge Family‘s series of races that includes the world’s largest long distance triathlon, Challenge Roth (Germany), described by world record holder, Chrissie Wellington, as “simply the best triathlon race in the world.”

Challenge Family CEO Felix Walchshöfer said bringing together two of triathlon’s oldest and most respected races reinforced the all-important legacy of the sport.

“The towns of Roth in Germany and Penticton in Canada have both grown remarkable races since the earliest days of the sport. To have them together in one family, both in the hands of their respective communities, ensures this legacy will continue for years to come,” said Mr Walchshöfer

The launch of Challenge Penticton sees it as the exclusive long distance Challenge race in Canada, and marks the long-distance race returning to its roots with community support and ownership.

“Challenge Penticton will be community driven and designed to benefit residents and athletes alike,” said Mayor Dan Ashton. “The event will involve a week-long festival that provides a unique experience for athletes, families and spectators, while showcasing our warm and welcoming city. We are happy to be joining the Challenge Family.

Challenge Penticton will also feature one North America’s most revered triathletes as event ambassador. Three-times world champion and four-times Canadian Triathlete of the Year, Peter Reid, said he was looking forward to building the legacy of the sport with Challenge Family at a race with which he has strong ties.

“It was always my biggest dream to end my career with a race at Penticton but sadly, it just didn’t work out. I’ve watched the race many times with friends since and am looking forward to being a part of this new era of triathlon in Penticton,” he said. “The Challenge Family philosophy of putting the athletes first and giving back to communities is something I strongly endorse and I’m thrilled to come back into the triathlon race scene and support the future of the sport.

Taking place on August 25, 2013, Challenge Penticton will bring a new race experience to a time-honoured course. Challenge is internationally renowned for its focus on exceeding athlete expectations and delivery high quality races. Athletes will also benefit from the inclusion of relay teams, festival events and the unique Challenge Family atmosphere popular throughout Europe and beyond.

With an opening registration fee of CA$675 including taxes, Challenge Penticton will offer value to athletes of all abilities and backgrounds with an enhanced experience and the race field will be restructured to include wave starts, which will allow the addition of relay teams for the first time in Penticton. In addition, professional triathletes will benefit from a 50,000 Euro (CA$61,500) prize purse paying down to 10th place.

“Growing the sport of triathlon is one of Challenge Family’s key objectives. It’s important to us that entry fee levels are set to include as many athletes as possible while the relay teams offer an achievable entry into the sport we are all so passionate about,” said Mr Walchshöfer. “Over the years we’ve seen many triathletes who started out doing one discipline in the teams cross the finish line as an individual, and we’re very proud to play a part in the athletes’ journey.”

The Challenge Family global series of long distance triathlons features 12 races throughout Europe, North America and Australasia. Challenge Family races are known for their excellent athlete race experience and commitment to the communities in which they take place.

For further information on Challenge Penticton visit For further information on Challenge Family visit or or follow on Twitter @Challenge_Famil
Messages : 1926
Inscription : 04 juil. 2010 21:15

Re: Ironman Canada devient Challenge Canada ;)

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ouais , et le magnifique IM Australia Cairns dont j'ai vu récemment le résumé est au contraire passé de Challenge à Ironman .
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Inscription : 04 mars 2004 10:14
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Re: Ironman Canada devient Challenge Canada ;)

Message non lu par Joel »

CHRISTOPHE192 a écrit :ouais , et le magnifique IM Australia Cairns dont j'ai vu récemment le résumé est au contraire passé de Challenge à Ironman .
Ca n'a pas tout à fait la même portée.
L'IM Canada est (était) le plus vieil IM en Amerique du Nord et le théatre de beaucoups de duels (Molina, Tinley, Browning qui finissent dans la même minute en 90), PNF, Baker, Bustos, ken Glah, Hellriegel, Reid, Lorie Bowden .....
Et puis ça a été mon tout 1er IM ;-)
Optimiser votre position vélo ?

Il n'y a pas de chemin vers le bonheur, le chemin est le bonheur.
Messages : 214
Inscription : 24 sept. 2004 21:55
Localisation : Gerardmer (88)

Re: Ironman Canada devient Challenge Canada ;)

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Un IM magnifique, j'y étais en 2010 et déjà la pérennité de l'épreuve était en question dans les bruits de couloirs. La ville était fortement mobilisée pour conserver son épreuve, il est à parier prochainement l'annonce d'un IM à Calgary ou Muskoka, à suivre.
Au moins, cela deviendra plus abordable en version Challenge, et la mobilisation des bénévoles est formidable là bas.
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Inscription : 16 janv. 2004 10:29
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Re: Ironman Canada devient Challenge Canada ;)

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550 euros l'épreuve challenge..
:sm10: :sm10:
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Messages : 325
Inscription : 12 avr. 2012 13:38
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Re: Ironman Canada devient Challenge Canada ;)

Message non lu par dajosport »

Quand on connaît l'histoire de cette épreuve (lgtps le seul IM sur le continent nord américain), c'est effectivement une sacrée news. Mais, du coup, pour une (relativement petite) série comme celle de la Challenge Family, je me demande si c'est judicieux d'avoir 2 irons le même weekend : Challenge Canada et ... Challenge Vichy si jamais ce dernier est décalé d'une semaine.
En Europe à pied, à vélo ou à l'eau... mais pas à ski =>
~150 CR d'épreuves =>
~Triathlons "off" sur Annecy ? =>
Messages : 3717
Inscription : 19 janv. 2007 11:29
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Re: Ironman Canada devient Challenge Canada ;)

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Tu pense sérieusement qu'il y a concurrence entre Vichy et Penticton ? Il y a 7500 km à vol d'oiseau entre les deux.
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Messages : 325
Inscription : 12 avr. 2012 13:38
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Re: Ironman Canada devient Challenge Canada ;)

Message non lu par dajosport »

Pas de concurrence pour les compétiteurs mais peut être pour la couverture médiatique
En Europe à pied, à vélo ou à l'eau... mais pas à ski =>
~150 CR d'épreuves =>
~Triathlons "off" sur Annecy ? =>