LIVE Klagenfurt

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Messages : 725
Inscription : 04 juin 2004, 08:12

Re: LIVE Klagenfurt

Message non lu par debcyr »

Voici les poursuivants qui viennent d'en terminer avec les 180 K (tous ensemble !) :

A group of five chases Vanhoenacker
As the leader runs through the first mile, the men chasing him are entering T2:

Here are the five men who will start chasing the Belgian at pretty much the same time:

2 Bayliss Stephen 4 29 GBR B180km 05:27:25
3 Hempel Hannes 6 34 AUT B180km 05:27:29
4 Leitner Werner 3 38 AUT B180km 05:27:30
5 Storm Brad 26 27 RSA B180km 05:27:32
6 Schoissengeier Peter 10 28 AUT B180km 05:27:33
Messages : 725
Inscription : 04 juin 2004, 08:12

Re: LIVE Klagenfurt

Message non lu par debcyr »

Top 10 à la fin du vélo :

Marino Vanhoenacker (#1) is in the lead, followed by:
* Stephen Bayliss (#4) at 8:21
* Hannes Hempel (#6) at 8:25
* Werner Leitner (#3) at 8:26
* Brad Storm (#26) at 8:28
* Peter Schoissengeier (#10) at 8:20
* Norbert Domnik (#15) at 13:44
* Erih Pecnik (#31) at 13:44
* Dejan Patrcevic (#22) at 14:29
* Karl Prungraber (#21) at 15:56
Messages : 725
Inscription : 04 juin 2004, 08:12

Re: LIVE Klagenfurt

Message non lu par debcyr »

Même avec son avance, Vanhoenacker n'amuse pas la galerie à pieds : sur les bases de 2h41 après 6.2 km !

Vanhoenacker cruises along
He's gone through the first 6.2 km of the run averaging 3:50/ km. That's fast -- it would get him a 2:41 marathon split!
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Messages : 321
Inscription : 29 oct. 2004, 08:02
Localisation : D'in ch'Nord

Re: LIVE Klagenfurt

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Le festival Marino se poursuit
Vanhoenacker cruises along
He's gone through the first 6.2 km of the run averaging 3:50/ km. That's fast -- it would get him a 2:41 marathon split!
Messages : 725
Inscription : 04 juin 2004, 08:12

Re: LIVE Klagenfurt

Message non lu par debcyr »

La 2e femme vient de rentrer à T2, 6 min 10 derrière Comerford...

Wallenhorst enters T2
The German is 6:10 behind Comerford.
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Messages : 321
Inscription : 29 oct. 2004, 08:02
Localisation : D'in ch'Nord

Re: LIVE Klagenfurt

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The men through 6 km
Through the first 6km of the run Stephen Bayliss continues to gain time on Marino Vanhoenacker. He's now 7:23 behind.

Here are the splits for the top-10 men to that point of the marathon:

1 Vanhoenacker Marino 1 31 BEL R6km 05:44:53
2 Bayliss Stephen 4 29 GBR R6km 05:52:16
3 Schoissengeier Peter 10 28 AUT R6km 05:53:15
4 Leitner Werner 3 38 AUT R6km 05:53:19
5 Hempel Hannes 6 34 AUT R6km 05:53:39
6 Storm Brad 26 27 RSA R6km 05:55:15
7 Domnik Norbert 15 43 AUT R6km 05:59:07
8 Santamaria Alejandro 17 31 ESP R6km 06:00:29
9 Mühlbauer Hans 18 27 GER R6km 06:01:02
10 Frühwirth Alexander 8 39 AUT R6km 06:02:03
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Messages : 321
Inscription : 29 oct. 2004, 08:02
Localisation : D'in ch'Nord

Re: LIVE Klagenfurt

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Bayliss is really flying
The Brit ran the first 6km of the run a minute faster than Vanhoenacker!
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Messages : 321
Inscription : 29 oct. 2004, 08:02
Localisation : D'in ch'Nord

Re: LIVE Klagenfurt

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Les écarts au 6 kms du marathon

The men through 6km
For the first time today we're seeing Alejandro Santamaria in the top-10. Here are the splits through 6km:
Marino Vanhoenacker (#1) leads. Behind him are:
* Stephen Bayliss (#4) at 7:23
* Peter Schoissengeier (#10) at 8:22
* Werner Leitner (#3) at 8:26
* Hannes Hempel (#6) at 8:46
* Brad Storm (#26) at 10:22
* Norbert Domnik (#15) at 14:14
* Alejandro Santamaria (#17) at 15:33
* Hans Mühlbauer (#18) at 16:09
* Alexander Frühwirth (#8) at 17:10
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Messages : 321
Inscription : 29 oct. 2004, 08:02
Localisation : D'in ch'Nord

Re: LIVE Klagenfurt

Message non lu par Femto »

Des News des femmes

The women through 6 km
Kozulina and Niederfriniger have made up a bit of time on Comerford, but it is just a few seconds through 6 km.

Here are the splits behind Comerford through 6 km:
* Sandra Wallenhorst (#64) at 5:36
* Tamara Kozulina (#66) at 11:39
* Niederfriniger Edith (#60) at 11:44
* Lucie Zelenkova (#67) at 12:24
* Tove Wiklund (#68) at 13:58
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Nico U.
Messages : 1036
Inscription : 19 oct. 2004, 17:13
Localisation : On the edge

Re: LIVE Klagenfurt

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Quelques nouvelles de Piero.
Il a fait fort a velo en rentrant au parc en tout juste 5:00. Départ marathon un peu rapide, faudrait voir a pas trop s'enflammer quand meme :wink:
Faut pas pousser mes mails dans les ordis..
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Messages : 321
Inscription : 29 oct. 2004, 08:02
Localisation : D'in ch'Nord

Re: LIVE Klagenfurt

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The men through 16 km
Marino Vanhoenacker (#1) is already on his second lap, but here were the splits through the first 10 miles of the run.
The Belgian defending champion was in first, followed by:
* Stephen Bayliss (#4) at 6:15
* Hannes Hempel (#6) at 6:51
* Werner Leitner (#3) at 8:11
* Peter Schoissengeier (#10) at 11:15
* Alejandro Santamaria (#17) at 15:26
* Hans Mühlbauer (#18) at 16:29
* Norbert Domnik (#15) at 18:15
* Dejan Patrcevic (#22) at 18:56
* Brad Storm (#26) at 19:26

The women through 6 km
In the lead is Bella Comerford (#61), followed by:
* Sandra Wallenhorst (#64) at 5:36
* Tamara Kozulina (#66) at 11:39
* Niederfriniger Edith (#60) at 11:44
* Lucie Zelenkova (#67) at 12:24
* Tove Wiklund (#68) at 13:58
* Katja Rabe (#97) at 24:30
* Rebekka Eßmüller (#98) at 24:30
* Nicole Best (#2085) at 24:32
* Maria Penker (#91) at 24:36
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Messages : 321
Inscription : 29 oct. 2004, 08:02
Localisation : D'in ch'Nord

Re: LIVE Klagenfurt

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Marino semble bien géré le marathon mais cela n'est pas très étonnant

The men through 21 km
It seemed a bit questionable that Stephen Bayliss might have lost second place -- anyway, we can now confirm that he remains in second behind the defending champion.

He hasn't gained much time over the last five km, though. Here are the splits:
Marino Vanhoenacker (#1) leads the men's field. Behind him:
* Stephen Bayliss (#4) at 6:12
* Hannes Hempel (#6) at 7:31
* Werner Leitner (#3) at 9:08
Messages : 725
Inscription : 04 juin 2004, 08:12

Re: LIVE Klagenfurt

Message non lu par debcyr »

The top-10 men through 27 km
Marino Vanhoenacker (#1) now has less than 9 km to go, but here are the splits of the men chasing him through 27 km:

Behind the leader were:
* Stephen Bayliss (#4) at 6:57
* Hannes Hempel (#6) at 8:28
* Werner Leitner (#3) at 10:35
* Peter Schoissengeier (#10) at 16:31
* Hans Mühlbauer (#18) at 19:03
* Alejandro Santamaria (#17) at 20:13
* Dejan Patrcevic (#22) at 20:31
* Benjamin Rossmann (#19) at 22:48
* Karl Prungraber (#21) at 23:27
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Messages : 321
Inscription : 29 oct. 2004, 08:02
Localisation : D'in ch'Nord

Re: LIVE Klagenfurt

Message non lu par Femto »

The top-10 men through 27 km
Marino Vanhoenacker (#1) now has less than 9 km to go, but here are the splits of the men chasing him through 27 km:

Behind the leader were:
* Stephen Bayliss (#4) at 6:57
* Hannes Hempel (#6) at 8:28
* Werner Leitner (#3) at 10:35
* Peter Schoissengeier (#10) at 16:31
* Hans Mühlbauer (#18) at 19:03
* Alejandro Santamaria (#17) at 20:13
* Dejan Patrcevic (#22) at 20:31
* Benjamin Rossmann (#19) at 22:48
* Karl Prungraber (#21) at 23:27

The top-four women through the half
Wallenhorst is the big mover in the race so far. The defending champ, Edith Niederfriniger has made up a bit of time, but isn't a real threat unless the women ahead of her start to falter. Kozulina hasn't been able to stay with the Italian.

In the lead is Bella Comerford (#61), followed by:
* Sandra Wallenhorst (#64) at 3:44
* Niederfriniger Edith (#60) at 10:41
* Tamara Kozulina (#66) at 12:40
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Messages : 321
Inscription : 29 oct. 2004, 08:02
Localisation : D'in ch'Nord

Re: LIVE Klagenfurt

Message non lu par Femto »

Bayliss loses more time
Through 33 km, Marino Vanhoenacker (#1) is now starting to gain time on Bayliss. Hempel remains in third, but he's lost more time, too -- he's 10 minutes back.